Lake Superior Headwaters Sustainability Partnership
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Welcome to the Lake Superior Headwaters Sustainability Partnership website!

This site serves as the place for sharing tools and information developed for the Landscape Conservation Design process for the St. Louis River Estuary (SLRE) Landscape. The website currently provides the following decision support tools and supporting information:

  • Vision & Principles: review the vision and guiding principles established by the Partnership.
  • Metrics Dashboard: review metrics developed for the SLR estuary and its contributing watersheds.
  • Mapping Tools: view partner-identified locations and a variety of other spatial layers related to the estuary landscape boundary, habitat assessments, land cover and use, hydrography, monitoring activities, etc.
  • Documentation: review and download documents relevant to the SLRE, its watersheds, and the partners who are working together on conservation goals.

Site developed by

This Landscape Conservation Design is supported by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through a Cooperative Agreement between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Minnesota Land Trust.
